A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

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A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by Daniele.tampieri »

Note. I posted this question on the part of the forum pertaining RevPiMODIO, and that was not appropriate. Therefore I deleted it from there and reposted it here.

Hi to everybody,
I 've recently installed the "node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes" Revpi node package, but the nodes do not work properly: for example the revpi-single-input node input pin dropdown menù do not work, as shown in the attached picture, since it does not shows the available pin in my RevPi Core + RevPi DIO configuration


What I did.
After powering my RevPi Core and DIO modules, I configured the system by using RevPi and then saving the configuration: this is as it looks now


Then I installed the required official backend server following the procedure described in the GIT project page, with a few changes: I was not able to install the server with the command

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install noderedrevpinodes-server
from the Revpi package repository so I did it manually by first downloading the package from the GIT repo by issuing

Code: Select all

wget https://github.com/erminas/noderedrevpinodes-server/releases/download/1.0.2-1/noderedrevpinodes-server_1.0.2_all.deb
(on the git page the download repository name is not correct, since the version directory is stated to be

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while the correct one is

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) and then

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sudo dpkg -i ./noderedrevpinodes-server_1.0.2_all.deb
more appropriate for the installation of a

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package instead of the suggested

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sudo apt install ./noderedrevpinodes-server_1.0.2.deb
(which does not work). The server is alive and running


After that I loaded the "node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes" package from inside the running installation of Node-red by using the "manage palette" menù as usual: the installation worked fine, however since then I have not been able to see the status of any of the available RevPi pins. Also I am nod able to uninstall the package as it says that there is "one hidden node" running. I then tried several elementary things like turn on and off the system several times and so on but I did not succeed in making the system working as expected. Thanks in advance for your help.
Daniele Tampieri
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Re: A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by Amar »

Hi Daniele,
Could you please repost the screenshots attached in your post since they are not visible. I would recommend you to carry out following steps so that I can reproduce the issue:

1) Flash latest stretch image on Core.

2) Update the image
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo reboot

3) Configure your Core and DIO module in pictory

4) From pictory enable/click following buttons
Enable Node-RED RevPi Nodes Server
start with command sudo systemctl start noderedrevpinodes-server

4) Check in manage palette for "node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes" installed version
it should be version 1.0.6

5) Check if the issue exists with revpi-single-input node input pin dropdown menu.

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Re: A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by Daniele.tampieri »

Hi Amar,
First of all, thank you for the reply and please accept my apologies for my later one.
Amar wrote: Could you please repost the screenshots attached in your post since they are not visible. I would recommend you to carry out following steps so that I can reproduce the issue:
For the images: I am not able to embed the images directly (the tools panels allows me only to embed an url), thus I linked them to my dropbox public directory. They does not show up, but if you click the links, you should be able to see them
Amar wrote: 1) Flash latest stretch image on Core.

2) Update the image
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo reboot

3) Configure your Core and DIO module in pictory

4) From pictory enable/click following buttons
Enable Node-RED RevPi Nodes Server
start with command sudo systemctl start noderedrevpinodes-server

4) Check in manage palette for "node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes" installed version
it should be version 1.0.6

5) Check if the issue exists with revpi-single-input node input pin dropdown menu.
I succeeded nearly two weeks ago by using another workaround found by my brother: first, I reloaded the original image of the RevPi (I am going to post how I did it inside my linux box in a proper section of the forum) and removed the teamviewer package with the command

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get remove --purge teamviewer-revpi
and then removed also from the sources list by editing the proper files in the directory

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. Then I updated the distribution and installed yarn by issuing the command

Code: Select all

curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | sudo apt-key add 
After that, in installed the following packages

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install python-gpiozero python3-gpiozero revpi-tools
sudo apt-get install nodered
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
sudo apt-get install noderedrevpinodes-server
sudo systemctl start noderedrevpinodes-server.service
sudo reboot
And it worked! And I am experimenting with RevPi since then: however
  • 1 It I just a workaround since it requires the removal of the team viewer package, and this cannot be an acceptable requirement for many users.
  • 2 I'll surely try your solution when I receive the next RevPi box.
Finally, thank you very much for your help.
Daniele Tampieri
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Re: A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by JulianS. »

Hello Daniele and Amar,
I tried your solution. Then I read an input. Now the node no longer shows any pins. Did I do something wrong or is there another bug with the revpin server?
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Re: A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by Daniele.tampieri »

@Julian, first of all I apologize for the later in my answer. Perhaps you have to configure again the inputs by using Pictory: I did it so and I have not seen the issue you are experimenting.
Daniele Tampieri
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Re: A problem with the Official Node-Red Revolution Pi Nodes

Post by Daniele.tampieri »

Hi Amar,
I just tried your solution: it works perfectly, as my workaround does. Thank you very much.
Amar wrote: 16 Feb 2021, 15:11 Hi Daniele,
Could you please repost the screenshots attached in your post since they are not visible. I would recommend you to carry out following steps so that I can reproduce the issue:

1) Flash latest stretch image on Core.

2) Update the image
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo reboot

3) Configure your Core and DIO module in pictory

4) From pictory enable/click following buttons
Enable Node-RED RevPi Nodes Server
start with command sudo systemctl start noderedrevpinodes-server

4) Check in manage palette for "node-red-contrib-revpi-nodes" installed version
it should be version 1.0.6

5) Check if the issue exists with revpi-single-input node input pin dropdown menu.

Daniele Tampieri
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