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Black Screen after startx, no error shown

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 06:03
by yuweichong
Hi there, thanks in advance for the help,
I got another Kunbus Rev Pi Connect 4 and I commissioned it just now. Initially all the setup was all good and I managed to login to GUI using Startx. The system prompted me to change the Username and Password as well as update to the latest version. I did it and reboot the Rev Pi and it starts to show Authentication Failure error, so I use CTRL+ATL+F2 and log in again using default "Username" and "Password", it manage to log in and when I typed startx, the screen went to black and no error shown. Anyone encountered this problem before?

I have tried factory reset but it still have the same problem..

Re: Black Screen after startx, no error shown

Posted: 28 Mar 2024, 17:10
by dirk
Hello yuweichong, Thank you very much for your detailed report of the error pattern. I have the feeling that it belongs together with your other post and there I have already answered you with my attempt to reproduce the problem with a test setup: