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Posted: 05 Jan 2024, 10:27
by Dat Ha
In the near future we will work with revpi-compact (collect data from sensors and control devices)
The language used is C++
I want to ask what C++ version is recommended to use

Re: C++

Posted: 08 Jan 2024, 10:03
by p.rosenberger
We provide GNU C++ 10.2 compiler with our Bullseye release. So you can use any language feature which g++ 10.2 supports.

Re: C++

Posted: 09 Jan 2024, 10:34
by Dat Ha
What C++ version is PiController currently using?
I want my application to use the same version of the core library to avoid unexpected errors

Re: C++

Posted: 21 Mar 2024, 08:09
by p.rosenberger
PiControl doesn't use C++ and we don't provide a C++ library.

PiCOntrol provides a device file:

Code: Select all

To work with piControl you need to open the device file and interact with the process image. We have an example program to show how this is done:

You need to use headers from piControl, in pitest this is done by pulling the piControl repo as submodule: ... master/lib

Best regards,