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Sensor Array System

Posted: 22 Feb 2023, 18:11
by EduardoH
Greetings, I have a prototype sensor array for electrical motor testing consisting of 4 digital i2c heat sensors, 2 analog ratiometric load sensors, 4 ratiometric analog current sensors and 2 pulse emmiter tachometers. All sensors are 5v, I would like to upgrade the system to a Rev Pi setup (Currently using pi pico in combination with arduino mega and Raspberry pi 3b). I am aware i2c is not an option as far as I know (Though I wonder why since is such a common protocol for sensors to use) so I need a recommendation for IR heat sensors compatible with a digital module that can measure temperature at a distance (minimum 1000mm).
Since I have never used Rev Pi before (I am familiar with PLCs however, worked with WAGO and BNR) and this is going to be the test case for my company using the product I would also like a recommendation for a core module to go with the analog and digital modules. The whole point of the system is to collect and log data from different electric motors in RPM, temperature, thrust and current/voltage in real time, the output preferred is a data stream that can be read by another PC via serial port (Something the current raspberry 3b is being used for). Currently the sensors data is read by the picos and transmitted to the mega, which processes a single data stream for the 3b that then logs the data and/or transmits via serial if needed.
I intend to replace all of it for a single rev pi core plus needed expansions, so please recommend me the most suitable modules for it. Should this array prove a success, we intend to reproduce it in other branches of the company. I am hoping this endeavor is a success.
Thanks in advance.

Re: Sensor Array System

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 13:53
by u.biakoup
Dear EduardoH,
Thank you for your interest in our product. I am very excited about your project and I think you upgrade your system to a RevPi successfully.
I have no recommendation for IR heat sensors compatible with our digital I/O module that can measure Temperature at a distance (minimum 1000mm). Furthermore, I googled it and I found this for you and this measure Temperature at a distance up to 3000 mm.

My Setup's recommendation for you: as basic module ( core 3+, (core S and SE) -> with more performance) for 4 IR feats sensors, 2 analog ratiometric load sensors, 4 ratiometric analog current sensors and 2 pulse emmiter tachometers

I hope to understand your questions and help you.

Best Regards

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support

Re: Sensor Array System

Posted: 24 Feb 2023, 15:53
by EduardoH
Greetings, thanks for the reply, the heat sensors you recommended are a bit to overkill for our application. I would like to ask if its possible to retain the I2C sensors and use a raspberry pico to receive the data, then communicate from the pico to the rev pi using serial or usb the data. If yes can you please inform me if there is a tutorial for interfacing the pico with the rev?
Thanks in advance.

Re: Sensor Array System

Posted: 27 Feb 2023, 11:20
by nicolaiB
Hi EduardoH,

if you want to use the existing I2C sensors the pico would be a good option. You can connect the pico via USB and send the sensor data via serial. Another cool solution: Use the pico as USB to I2C adapter like this: ... your-pico/


Re: Sensor Array System

Posted: 27 Feb 2023, 12:52
by EduardoH
Thank you, I will try it out then, where can I acquire rev pi modules for a reasonable price and delivery time in UK/Ireland? Should we decide to upgrade to better heat sensors that re IR for remote reading do you have any recommendation (Preferably one with tutorials)?

Re: Sensor Array System

Posted: 27 Feb 2023, 14:31
by u.biakoup
Hi EduardoH,

We have many distributors across the world. Have a look and select the distributors, which is near to you.
Unfortunately, we haven't any tutorial referred to your Application.

Best Regards

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support