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Can we use CODESYS BACnet SL with RS485 interface on RevPi?

Posted: 31 Oct 2022, 09:15
by torolox

I am considering to import the CODESYS BACnet SL to my project.
I think BACnet IP is available with RevPi Connect, but how about BACnet MS/TP using RS485 port on the device?

Thank you for your cooperation.

Re: Can we use CODESYS BACnet SL with RS485 interface on RevPi?

Posted: 04 Nov 2022, 10:48
by u.biakoup
BACnet SL is additional package costing 110 Euros which can be added over Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi as in RevPi Connect.

The license for this package will have to be purchased.
The support for this library would be available on Codesys Online forum.

Best Regards

Ulrich Kouatang Biakoup | Technical Support

Re: Can we use CODESYS BACnet SL with RS485 interface on RevPi?

Posted: 07 Nov 2022, 03:27
by torolox
OK, I wanted some idea whether I can use MS/TP on RevPi.
Thank you anyway.